Reizei Tamekazu (冷泉為和)

Tamekazu REIZEI (1486 - August 13, 1549) was a kugyo (high court noble) and a poet who lived in the Muromachi period. He was the head of the Reizei family (the Kami-Reizei family). His father was Tamehiro REIZEI. His children were Tamemasu REIZEI and Kanemasa HIROHASHI (adopted son of Kanehide HIROHASHI). His official position was Shonii (Senior Second Rank) Dainagon (chief councilor of state). His homyo (Buddhist name) was Seishin.

He often left the capital to go to Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly the Kanto region), but because he had a close relationship with the Imagawa clan in Suruga Province, he spent a lot of time in Suruga. It is said that he was permitted by the Imagawa clan to use his surname. At the request of the Imagawa clan, he stayed with the Gohojo clan in Sagami Province and with the Takeda clan in Kai Province to host Poetry Readings. The Imagawa clan and the Takeda clan established the Kosun alliance in 1537 and became hostile against the Gohojo clan (Kato War). Because of this situation, Tamekazu was often sent to Kai around that time, supposedly serving as a diplomatic agent for the Imagawa clan.

He entered the priesthood in 1548 and died in Suruga. He compiled a private poem collection called "Tamekazukyoshu."

[Original Japanese]